/BCO-DMO/CMORE/bag/stations_bag1 --depth_cast eq 301-- Level 1

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#  C-MORE BAG-1 stations
#  Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography, University of Hawaii
#  Steve Pou ingested into BCOO-DMO: Jugested into BCO-DMO: June 6, 2014
# ##############################################
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sta       cast      date        time        lat          lon         depth_w  depth_cast  chl_max_deep  
4         1         20111209    0428        19.384       -155.944    1020     301         nd            
bot         depth       depth_n_____   
1           nd          nd             
2           nd          nd             
3           nd          nd             
4           nd          nd             
5           nd          nd             
6           nd          nd             
7           nd          nd             
8           nd          nd             
9           nd          nd             
10          nd          nd             
11          nd          nd             
12          nd          nd             
13          nd          nd             
14          nd          nd             
15          nd          nd             
16          nd          nd             
17          nd          nd             
18          nd          nd             
19          nd          nd             
20          nd          nd             
21          nd          nd             
22          nd          nd             
23          nd          nd             
24          nd          nd             
sta       cast      date        time        lat          lon         depth_w  depth_cast  chl_max_deep  
10        1         20111213    1800        21.208       -157.788    600      301         80            
bot         depth       depth_n_____   
1           152.1       150            
2           150.1       150            
3           149.3       150            
4           150.9       150            
5           151.6       150            
6           151.3       150            
7           79.1        80             
8           78.9        80             
9           78.7        80             
10          78.4        80             
11          79.1        80             
12          79.2        80             
13          45.0        45             
14          44.8        45             
15          45.6        45             
16          44.8        45             
17          45.6        45             
18          45.5        45             
19          15.2        15             
20          15.0        15             
21          14.3        15             
22          14.9        15             
23          14.5        15             
24          15.0        15